So You’re Trying to Stay Sober Without AA?

So You’re Trying to Stay Sober Without AA?

getting sober without aa

These groups focus less on the spiritual aspect of recovery and more heavily on an individual’s ability to find recovery within themselves. Many people who recognize that they have a drinking problem aren’t aware that there are alternatives to Alcoholics Anonymous. This article, for example, outlines the CORE process, which stands for Commit, Objectify, Respond, Enjoy. By employing these simple techniques, you can beat the bottle quietly — and for free — in the dignity of your own home. Effective communication, building strong support systems, and embracing self-help approaches such as regular workouts and journaling can also aid in maintaining abstinence.

Alternatives to AA and 12-Step Programs

  • The group works on developing techniques to enhance this version of self instead of the addict self who has previously been in control of all decisions and led to destruction in life.
  • I’m 9 years sober, and I’d like to explore 8 powerful strategies I used to create fulfillment in a life of recovery.
  • Although these new activities are healthy and productive, they can be a stumbling block to lasting recovery if they become a transfer addiction to fill the void left by the original addiction.
  • My husband and I are in  pain, but Mariah seems to be completely consumed by it.
  • When you think about getting sober, or are trying to help someone wanting to get sober, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) often springs to mind as a trusted means of recovery.

Getting sober is an incredible achievement for individuals grappling with alcohol addiction. Although Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been a lifeline for many, it might not be the best fit for everyone. Embrace each sober day as a significant step towards a healthier, happier life free from alcohol’s grip. They offered testing, treatment, and sterile works nd injecting supplies. The best part about Swan was they also allowed us to use their facility as a safe place to inject heroin and other drugs. They would monitor us while we were in the restroom working up.

Young and Sober in AA: It could save your life

  • It emphasizes the importance of maintaining an optimistic outlook, reaching out to support networks, prioritizing self-care, and continually refining strategies based on previous experiences.
  • Safety for clients is a priority here – especially during COVID.
  • Additionally, make sure you’re getting enough sleep, as lack of sleep can worsen mood and anxiety.
  • Additionally, make sure you have a support system in place.

Their program teaches skills that can help you stay motivated in your sobriety and cope with cravings. Its foundation is based in science, rather than spirituality. Many people have found success with SMART’s alternatives to AA meetings. AA If you like the accountability and community of regular getting sober without aa meetings, SMART Recovery may be a good option for you. SMART Recovery programs offer both local in-person meetings and online support through a 24/7 chat board and daily online meetings. SMART Recovery programs avoid labels, such as “alcoholic,” and shy away from the disease model of addiction.

  • Humphreys suspects that this study might prompt health professionals to become more comfortable recommending AA among other options.
  • It’s important to develop a structured daily and weekly schedule and stick to it.
  • Regardless of the difference in our needs, the most important thing is that we just don’t drink.
  • Interventions are a common method used by families to encourage their loved ones to seek help for addiction.

Sobriety in A.A.: We made changes to stop drinking

getting sober without aa

You might not believe in yourself today, tomorrow, or next week. Still, if you’d like to believe in yourself, you have what it takes to do it. Similarly, if you’d like to be sober but aren’t sure if you can do it 100%, you are already on the right path. Yes, we can share in their joy and be proud of their path, but remember that there is no only way to do this. Every single path to recovery, even those that require the assistance of others, is deeply personal. Write your blog posts, eat your cake, and put yourself on the pedestal for a while.

For people with severe alcohol use disorder, or who expect intense withdrawal symptoms, some form of medical detox may be necessary. Sudden withdrawal from heavy drinking can be dangerous or even fatal, so it’s best to have a doctor’s supervision. If you have a milder drinking problem, you might be able to go it alone. Online resources, such as podcasts and blogs, can also provide support and inspiration. Moderation Management is a program that focuses on helping individuals reduce their alcohol consumption to a moderate level or quit altogether. This practical booklet demonstrates through simple examples how A.A.

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getting sober without aa

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