7 Ways Excessive Drinking Can Cause Vision Problems

7 Ways Excessive Drinking Can Cause Vision Problems

blurry vision in one eye and light headed after drinking alcohol

Whether symptoms are mild or severe, it is important to pinpoint what may have caused dizziness or blurry vision to occur. Simply based on the way information is located within the optic nerve, peripheral vision loss tends to be affected first. You may note “tunnel vision” or the inability to see things in the periphery of your vision. Another early sign of this disease includes colors looking dimmer or less vibrant.

blurry vision in one eye and light headed after drinking alcohol

What are the most common causes of blurred vision that gets worse over time?

However, you should still see your doctor for an evaluation and diagnosis. This vision problem can lead to lots and lots of headaches, especially during the sobering-up stage. The pupils will take a little more time to get back to normal. Expect slow pupil reaction time for up to 24 hours after your bout of excessive drinking. Bloodshot eyes, or red eyes, can indicate many things; allergies, infections, or lack of sleep. It is also a common side effect of too much drinking.

  • Possible treatments include corrective lenses or glasses to correct blurred or distorted vision and use of eye drops to address bloodshot eyes.
  • Alcohol may also affect your eyesight in the long term, going beyond temporary symptoms to influencing your likelihood to develop serious eye conditions.
  • Optic neuritis also affects about half of people with multiple sclerosis (MS), a progressive neurologic disorder.
  • Individuals experience significantly blurred vision.
  • The good news is these can usually be addressed with glasses or contact lenses.

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Tobacco-alcohol optic neuropathy, also known as tobacco-alcohol amblyopia, is common in heavy alcohol drinkers and can be irreversible depending on the nerve damage. Regular alcohol use can cause permanent double or blurred vision while also impairing a person’s ability to perceive colors and light. blurry vision after drinking alcohol Alcohol is a common trigger for migraine headaches as well as ocular migraines. An ocular migraine is an episode of vision loss in one eye, often accompanied by a headache. Alcohol abuse can also contribute to long-term changes to vision such as an increased risk of developing cataracts.

More common causes of blurred vision in one eye

  • The parts of your eye that light passes through to reach the retina are normally transparent.
  • The ability to track a moving object is called a pursuit and is controlled by the pretectal nucleus of the brain.
  • One goal may be to aim for moderation, here’s a nicely written opinion piece about one person’s choice to drink in moderation.
  • While keratitis can be caused by an infection, it can also develop in response to allergies, an injury, dry eye, or medications that suppress the immune system.
  • With causes ranging from mild to severe, it’s can help to understand what might be behind things looking fuzzy out of one of your eyes.

Eyes develop cataracts when the lenses become clouded and opaque (hard to see through). Another common cause of blurred vision is dry eyes. You could have dry eyes if your vision improves when you blink. Dry eye syndrome can cause what seems to be a film. The syndrome may also cause itching, redness and pain.

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Blurriness can affect both eyes or just one, and it can make objects look unfocused at different distances. You should go to an emergency room if you have any sudden onset of blurred vision or loss of vision. This is especially true if you’ve been injured or if you have any other symptoms of stroke, such as difficulty speaking or moving.

Focus on Eyes: Did you know excessive drinking can cause damage to the eye? Well, it can.

blurry vision in one eye and light headed after drinking alcohol

How Alcohol Affects Your Eyes

blurry vision in one eye and light headed after drinking alcohol

Decreased Contrast Sensitivity

  • That can be challenging – so you probably want to avoid adding other stresses to the visual system, like the blurring or double vision from alcohol.
  • The most common cause of blurred vision is a refractive error.
  • In many cases, migraines can also cause dizziness and blurred vision.
  • Eyes develop cataracts when the lenses become clouded and opaque (hard to see through).
  • That can happen due to blocked vessels or insufficient pressure within them.
  • Vitamin supplements and nutritional consult help to recover some visual loss.

Concussion or brain injury

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